Case Study: The Paramount at Somers Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (June 2020)

Patients Age: 88-years-old
Admission Date: 04/20/20
Admitted From: Northern Westchester Hospital Center
Discharge Date: 06/13/20
Length of Stay: 51 days
Discharged To: The Country House
Reason for Stay: Skilled PT/OT due to a fall
How did this patient hear about The Paramount at Somers? Case Worker

Details of Experience:
Madeline Simon is an 88-year-old female who admitted to The Paramount at Somers on 04/20/2020. She came to us from Northern Westchester Hospital following a fall, which occurred on 04/17/2020. Her main complaint secondary to the fall was lower back pain scaled 7/10. Mrs. Simon has a previous medical history of falls, Parkinson’s disease, anemia, and scoliosis. Madeline previously resided in an assisted living facility and was modified independently with functional tasks and ADLs with the use of a front-wheeled walker.

Upon initial evaluation, Mrs. S. presented with a decline in strength, functional mobility, transfers, balance, the ability safely to ambulate, endurance, and an increase in pain, which was exacerbated with movements. Due to her physical impairments and functional deficits, Madeline was at high risk for falls, which decreased her ability to participate in daily functional activities, and increased her need for assistance from others. Madeline’s goal for therapy was to increase her independence, improve balance, and decrease the risk of falls.

Throughout her rehab, Mrs. S. remained motivated and eager to participate. She made consistent progressions each week to improve her ability to perform daily functional tasks; including self-care, getting in and out of bed, standing up, and walking around the facility. She was an active participant and receptive to instruction on how to increase her independence.

Early in her therapy sessions, Madeline displayed a need for assistance from others while walking to prevent her from falling. By the end of her stay at The Paramount, Mrs. S. was able to confidently walk on her own, making her safe for discharge to the assisted living facility where she previously resided. Through positivity, diligence, and motivation, Mrs. S. made steady progress during her time at The Paramount at Somers. She was able to discharge back to the assisted living facility healthy and safe!

The team at the Paramount is proud to have been a part of her therapy recovery journey.