Tina Steinberg
Director of Therapeutic Recreation

In 1996, Tina earned her Bachelor’s of Business Administration with a degree in Marketing from the University of Miami. Tina joined The Paramount team in 2015 as a Recreational Leader. Her role as a Recreational Leader inspired her to pursue a role in recreation therapy administration. Seniors have always held a special place in Tina's heart, so it isn't surprising to find her at The Paramount sharing her artistic talents, creative thinking, and her love for seniors. Tina is very proud of creating the “painting to music” program, which is where residents use watercolors to paint masterpieces while listening to relaxing music. One of the moments Tina treasures is having a resident share with her, "I never painted in my life and now it's what I love to do most!" When Tina is not sharing her talents she devotes her free time to her family, while also providing a strong infrastructure for her two children and her husband to pursue their own hopes and dreams.