Christine Mallela, RN, BS, CND

Clinical Nutrition Manager

Clinical Nutrition Manager

Food has always been a passion for Christine as she worked in restaurants during her young adult years. However, being a chef wasn’t the job for her. As she had been interested in food, she took a general nutrition class during her first semester in college and instantly decided that she wanted to become a dietitian. Christine obtained her bachelor's degree at Marymount College in Tarrytown, completed her internship at Danbury Hospital and eventually obtained her master’s degree in nutrition at Brooklyn College. In her spare time, Christine likes to cook, read, and travel.She has always enjoyed working with the older population as it feels like she has many “grandparents,” telling her stories about their life, especially when they talk about their favorite foods or food traditions. Christine shares, "My motto is 'Food is medicine.'  I believe that nutrition is the cornerstone to our well-being. It brings me great joy to be able to teach others ways to improve their dietary regimen and lead them on a path towards a healthy lifestyle - without sacrificing food they love.